Exhibitor & Sponsorship Information

OntarioMD Digital Health and Virtual Care Day

Sponsorship, Advertising, and Exhibitor Opportunities

OntarioMD will be hosting our first Virtual Conference, OntarioMD Digital Health and Virtual Care Day on Thursday, October 1. This virtual day will replace our award-winning EMR: Every Step Conference and will focus on leveraging digital health and virtual care tools to complement the in-person delivery of patient care. 

A key component of OntarioMD Digital Health and Virtual Care Day will be the Virtual Tradeshow and the opportunity to bring Clinicians and Vendors supporting digital health and virtual care together. We are pleased to introduce as part of this virtual conference, a variety of different Sponsorship Opportunities and a Virtual Trade Show to help spotlight vendors.

Sponsorship and Exhibitor Opportunities

Looking for a Custom Sponsorship Package? Please email Revin Samuel at revin.samuel@ontariomd.com to discuss opportunities.

Join the Virtual Trade Show / Sign up for a Sponsorship

Eligibility: OntarioMD Digital Health and Virtual Care Day Virtual Tradeshow and Sponsorship/Marketing opportunities are available to vendors and health care organizations that provide digital health and virtual care services as well as vendors with certified EMR offerings, government agencies, and registered charities. If you have any questions about eligibility, please email Revin Samuel – revin.samuel@ontariomd.com.